Card Table Republic is a place where, for a fee, people ages 3 to 103 can come to relax and to challenge themselves playing over 900 board, card, and dice games with their friends and family. Old classic games such as Monopoly, Life, Battleship, and Trouble are available to play as well as the newer style games such as Ticket To Ride, Catan, Pandemic, Carcassonne, and Cards Against Humanity. Open game play fees are $5 All Day Play.
Card Table Republic, whose slogan is "where board games and friends unite", is owned by Jerry and Julie Vukelich. "We think that people need to unplug from their electronic devices and reconnect, face to face" Jerry says. "While we know that seems preposterous, we believe you will have a far better connection. We also think that board games are an important part of the learning process for children and we have a number of games that can help emphasize learning in a fun way."
Keep up with Card Table Republic on Facebook and visit them at 8427 Davison Road, Davison Township.